Friday, December 25, 2009

Laws Of Logic Show God Exists - The God Of The Bible

Where do the laws of logic come from? The law of non-contradiction, for example. Can there be two contradictory claims that are both true? How do you know this law of logic to be true? From your experience? But your experience is very limited... you have not been everywhere in the universe. You don't know everything. Possibly, at some other location in the universe it is possible for two opposites to be true and the law of contradiction does not apply.

The laws of logic only make sense in a Christian world-view, not in a universe in which everything came about because of random chance (evolution). The laws of logic are a reflection of the way God thinks. We know how He thinks because He has told us in the Bible. For example, the law of non-contradiction comes from God's self-consistent nature. And since God is constantly upholding the universe (Hebrews 1:3), a Christian knows that the law of non-contradiction applies throughout the universe... everywhere. A Biblical Christian has a basis for knowing the laws of logic are real and true. No one else can say that... and in fact any argument attempting to justify belief in the laws of logic will be based on Biblical principles.

A good book to read on this is "The Ultimate Proof Of Creation" by Dr. Jason Lisle

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Saturday, December 05, 2009

Hello Atheists... Are You Thinking?

Atheists claim there is no God based on a rational, logical, thinking approach to the question. But if an atheist really was rational and thinking, they would realize that as soon as they claim to be an atheist they have proven that a god exists. That is the only logical, reasonable conclusion anyone can arrive at.

Although Christianity is logical and rational, I'm not saying that Christianity or the Bible is needed to arrive at this conclusion. The claim of atheism, standing on its own, is a claim that god exists -- and it is a statement that the person making the claim of atheism is not rational.


Because to claim atheism is to claim that you are omniscient... a claim that you know everything. A claim of having all knowledge. To know that God does not exist means that you have to know he does not exist anywhere beyond our solar system. An atheist must know every detail about everything in our galaxy in order to know God is nowhere in our galaxy. They need to know everything about the physical universe to know that God exists nowhere in the universe. They need to know everything about everything that exists outside of the universe to know God does not exist in a spiritual realm or fifth dimension or wherever. In order to know that God does not exist a atheist is claiming to know EVERYTHING. Who is the only one who can know everything? God. So an atheists' claim to be an atheist is a claim to be god themselves, and thus it is a claim that god exists. It's a claim that contradicts itself.

A rational person can be an agnostic. An agnostic is a person who claims to not know whether there is a god or not. That is a rational claim. So if you don't know whether there is a God or not, is it not worthwhile to find out more? Because if there is a God, and you are going to be judged by that God when you die, it is very important to learn about that and understand it now... because when you die it is too late.

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