Free Beginning No
matter what your life has been like. No matter what you have done...Today
IS the first day of the rest of your life and today God wants you to be born again
into a new life.
Welcome! This
web site is addressed to those who feel separated from God--those whom have been
hurt by the church or whom the church has abandoned. This web site is also for
those who do not believe Jesus Christ is real. Some of you may identify yourselves
as a lost Christian or indifferent about religion. Some of you may call yourselves
an atheist or agnostic. Some of you are just hurt and don't know what to think.
Whichever category you are in, this web site is for you. The
primary purpose of this web site is not to save you, or convert you to Christianity.
It exists to present information and dispel some myths. Salvation is a personal
decision and only God can bring someone to salvation. Don't worry, you can not
be forced to become a Christian, sold on Christianity, scared into accepting Christ
or talked into becoming a Christian. Please start with
the introduction / table of contents or visit
our letters section. | Where
Will You Spent Eternity? Although our purpose is
not to convert you to Christianity, we are not going to hide the message of love
and gift of eternal salvation that Jesus Christ brings. The
truth is that it does not matter what your life has been like. God wants you to
be born into a new life today. He has already forgiven you for all the sins you've
committed in your life. You just have to admit you are a sinner, repent (meaning
you desire to change) and accept God's gift by trusting Him for what happens to
you for all eternity, instead of trusting yourself. God's forgiveness
is truly free... We
call this web site Free Beginnings because trusting in God is something that only
you can do of your own free will. No one can talk you into accepting God's forgiveness
and gift of freedom for eternity. You can't be convinced by a logical argument.
It's not something you can do because all your friends are doing it. You chose
to have a new beginning... it's a free gift God gives to you.
God's forgiveness
is truly free...We call this web site Free Beginnings because God's gift
to you is free. Yes, you have done some wrong things in the past - and there is
a price that must be paid. But that price has lready been paid by God. Jesus died
on the cross to pay the price for your sins. All you have to do is accept
this gift. It's a free gift from God -- complete payment for everything we've
done wrong. God wants you to have a new beginning...We call this
web site Free Beginnings because God wants you to be born
again into a new life. A life in which you know everything wrong you've done
in the past has been forgiven. A life in which you know you have an unlimited
future of eternal life in God's kingdom. A life in which you still may have hardships,
pain, disappointments and suffering (God does not promise us heaven in this life)
-- but you'll know that your life has an important purpose... and a life in which
you know the creature of the universe knows you, and loves you. "Sin
is no longer your master, for you are no longer subject to the law, which enslaves
you to sin. Instead you are free by God's grace." (NLT) Romans 6:14 Do
you have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you. Send
us an email. Topics Discussed On This Web Site Include: False
Origins of Christianity | Near
Death Experiences | New Testament
Recommended Books. All Are Available
on Amazon. |  The
Presence of God, A Commentary on Esther The"fate
of the world hangs in the balance," and God seems to be missing. Will all
options for te Savior coming into the world be eliminated? Or will God reign? |

new Sarah Young devotional is pure heresy and a gateway to to New Age teaching
and practices? Yes, there is Biblical teaching, but watch out for te poison! |

The Beatitudes lay
out the path to true joy and happiness. This life-changing teaching of Jesus from
the Sermon on the Mount, leads to salvation and inner joy. | 
Can you trust the Bible?
Humanists say NO! They make over 180 accusations supposedly "proving"
the Bible can't be trusted. This book answers them one-by-one. Also
available free online. | 
A truly AMAZING story about a woman prayer
warrior and evangelist who attended and taught in Spurgeon's church. |

If you have a copy
of "Jesus Calling," you need to read this book. "Jesus
Calling" is not a Christian devotional, but leads you into New Age, eastern
religion practices. Learn the Biblical reasons to avoid this devotional. |
This is a Move
To Assurance web site. |