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Why are there poor people, when they are willing to work hard, live good, and do right honestly?
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There is an asumption built into this question. It assumes we have a right to be financially successful. That if we do the right things, we'll have money.

This also comes through from something you said at the beginning of your comment:

"All of the %#@! prayers I have been doing in my life I should be a rich multi-zillionaress by now."

If you are looking for God to make you rich, you will always be disappointed. You've mentioned that your life has been hell. Maybe God is trying to teach you something. Maybe He wants you to learn that in seeking after the things of this world (wealth), you get only misery. True joy comes from seeking the things of God--obeying God.

Your question seems to imply that working hard, living good and doing the right things honestly are what pleases God... and that when you please God He will make you wealthy.

All of these are wrong.

What pleases God? When we obey Him because we love Him, not because we have to or want something from Him.

We want to obey God because we love Him. Where does that love come from? We love Him because He first loved us. This love is shown through the incredible gift He has given us:

"For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life." - Roimans 5:10 (NASB)

What this verse tells us is that even though we were enemies of God [everyone who is not a Christian is an enemy of God], God still loved us so much that He gave His Son to die for us. God loved us first. He loved us so much that He gave His Son to pay the penalty we owe for our sin [disobeying God].

"For God so loved the world that He gave is only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16

What pleases God is when we accept John 3:16 as true. When we believe the Jesus did die and pay the penalties we owe for all the times we've disobeyed God.

Do we then get great wealth? No. It's not about wealth. It's about serving other people. It's about serving God. It's not about getting, it's about giving.

Are there rich Christians? Yes. There are Christians to whom God has given the gift of wealth. And He expects them to use that gift to serve God and others. But, there are Christians who have many other types of gifts... and they are expected to use their gifts to serve God and others. And there are Christians who are financially very poor.

The reward isn't wealth. There is no reward true Christians seek for themselves. The reward is finding opportunities to serve and give to others. The reward is having the opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and seeing a soul adopted by God into His family.